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August 2022

Oh Mondays

And so it’s Monday … another start to the work week … and my coffee is smiling at me?  I sometimes wondered why everyone only talks about how Mondays are tough for adults. What about kids? Don’t you think they… Read More »Oh Mondays

Welcome to Wonderland

“Welcome to Wonderland” by Anson Seabra is a song I wished I had as a child. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is an 1865 English novel by Lewis Carroll, which shares a story about a young girl named Alice who falls through… Read More »Welcome to Wonderland

What’s your hobby?

We all have hobbies, so talking about them is a great way to start a conversation. Even if you don’t share the same hobbies, you can ask about them, especially if you never tried them before. Showing that you’re interested… Read More »What’s your hobby?

Homemade Sushi

Is there something you love eating so much and want to learn how to make it yourself? Well, for me, that’s sushi! I’m not someone who loves eating sashimi – that raw fish is just too much for me since… Read More »Homemade Sushi