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August 2022

Favourite sports?

Sports are a great topic for discussion. If it’s during the season, you can discuss game highlights or the match. You can also talk about playing it and why you like a certain sport. Most people, if they don’t participate… Read More »Favourite sports?

What are your goals?

Everyone has goals and dreams, but not everyone is willing to talk about them. However, if you ask this question genuinely, you’ll likely get a bit of discussion. If the person you’re talking to is passionate about their goals and… Read More »What are your goals?

Wear Sunscreen

Summer is one of those times when we’re most susceptible to sunburns. And especially when out doing water sports, sunburns are even more likely because the sunscreen we put on washed away and we forget to reapply.  One of the… Read More »Wear Sunscreen

The deadly sea

Scientist have discovered a “deadpool” at the bottom of the Red Sea that kills almost every creature that swims into it. That’s creepy and cool all at the same time. Located 1.1 miles beneath the ocean’s surface, this pool is… Read More »The deadly sea

True Love

My family and I spent a few days camping and rafting along Ottawa River. During our drive back, I was surprised to see this sign. It’s not everyday you see a street that points to the direction of “True Love.”… Read More »True Love

What’s your passion?

Everyone has something that they just love immensely or really enjoy doing. It could be an activity or action, but there is always something to talk about when it comes to passion. Q: What’s your passion? A: My passions are uplifting… Read More »What’s your passion?