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The story behind Nate Clover

Nate Clover is one of 12 talented artists who’ve contributed to this book + music project. His track “Affinity” features his musical interpretation of the theme “Love & Relationships.”

I discovered Nate Clover through Low Key Trampoline, who introduced me to his music and loved the deep frequencies and piano melodies. When I got to know Nate better, I learned that he’s actually a member of the US Army, which I thought was super neat because I never met anyone before who worked in this field. Military soldiers are some of the most respected individuals and I admire their devotion and loyalty to their country and its people. It was an honour meeting Nate and when I discovered that he was also a mastering engineer too, I just had to ask if he could master my entire album. I’m so thankful that he agreed.

I highly recommend Nate as a mastering engineer for your tracks. You can check out his prices and services here

Read his full story here to learn more

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