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‘Hold on please, Emily’

Let’s #TurnMayGrey

Tomorrow is the beginning of a very important event. The entire month of May is Brain Tumour Awareness Month and people from around the world would help #TurnMayGrey to raise awareness. Many supporters would wear grey (or post pictures of… Read More »Let’s #TurnMayGrey


Pink has always been a feminine colour in my childhood and I despised it. Like Emily McGregor, I wasn’t very feminine growing up. I enjoyed t-shirts and shorts over dresses and skirts. Hockey was my go-to sport, not figure skating.… Read More »Pink

Welcome to My Blog

Today is January 1, 2021, and I’m writing my very first blog post at exactly midnight. Although my blog isn’t officially live to the public (and may never be), I’ve spent New Year’s Eve self-reflecting on the progress I’ve made… Read More »Welcome to My Blog