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Tin Can Telephone with Bryce Kulak

Today, I thought of my sister. She used to be a huge Bryce Kulak fan, and even had the opportunity to meet him once at a live event. 

Bryce Kulak is a cabaret singer whose musical world is melodic, nostalgic, whimsical, and sometimes even a bit bizarre.

The one song I enjoyed as well by this artist was “Tin Can Telephone,” so I thought to share it with everyone today.

Tin Can Telephone tells a story about unrequited love where one side still hopes they’ll receive their call. The line “the string will stretch a million miles / Over land and water too / And you’ll hear me loud and clear / And I will sweetly say to you” that describes the love was beautifully written.

In some ways, I find it ironic that this is one of my sister’s favourite songs since I almost feel like this song is telling the story between us. I used to be very close to my sister, but as we got older, we grew apart. Even today, I think about her often, but receive no more than a few words as a reply if I’m lucky to receive one.

I wished for the day she would call me on my phone and tell me how she’s doing. Sometimes, I feel like my tin can telephone must be broken.


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