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Escaping Reality with Yasumu

I recently discovered Yasumu (aka Norman Dueck) on Instagram since he was invited to a Instagram Live interview with Lofi Records. After watching the stream, I was intrigued with Yasumu’s latest album, Escaping Reality, and started exploring his profile. I fell in love with his sound and his story, so I wanted to share his music with everyone. 

Yasumu is a German producer who’ve been in the music business for over 10 years. Playing piano was what kept Yasumu going when he felt depressed at the age of 13. Sitting in front of the piano helped him forget about all of his worries in life. He truly believes that music saved his soul. 

Escaping Reality is a 13-track album that comprises of the songs he created back during those difficult times. The piano compositions he creates do have an slight orchestral vibe (almost cinematic), and when he discovered Lofi Records, he began creating music without any limitations. 

Yasumu’s music is expressive and emotional. This album in particular examines his relationship with music growing up, and his songs translate the deep-rooted feelings of loneliness into sounds. What makes his lofi music stand apart from other lofi artists is the way he intertwines orchestral elements that brings his music back to his roots. 

Add your favourite track from Escaping Reality today, and follow Yasumu on his musical journey.

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