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Happy Mother’s Day

Just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to all the moms out there. Moms have probably the toughest job because many work 24/7 without realizing it. 

Being a mom is the most rewarding job I’ll ever have because of all the joys and emotion that come with watching your children grow up. When I became a mom many years ago, I come to realize how much our parents do for us. That’s why we should tell our parents more often that we care and think of them. 

With COVID, it’s been a long time since I hung out with my Mom, but I want her to know that I think of her often and miss the conversations we used to share about the latest hockey game. Yes, we were both huge Toronto Maple Leafs fans. 

To my mom: Thanks for being my first love and the first home I ever lived. 

Happy Mother’s Day!

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