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For the Love of Anime

I’ve always had a fascination for anime. As a child, I remember watching Sailor Moon with my sister and Full Metal Alchemist after hockey games on YTV. Perhaps because I’m a sucker for cartoons, but anime is unlike anything else. It’s action-packed adventures, offbeat comedies, inspirational stories, and fantastical fantasy. The styles in which anime characters are drawn are what attracted me to watch as a child. I loved doodling and anime eyes I thought were beautiful. As I grew up, I looked beyond the way the characters were illustrated and more at the character themselves. I realized the incredibly diverse characters in these shows and how much I can relate to them, even if the story is supernatural fantasy battles. 

I admit it. I cry during movies. I cry when I hear a sad song. And I cry when I watch heartwarming or sad anime. The beauty that is expressed in these creative mediums can sometimes overwhelm me because of the story and emotions it captures. Anime is full of this with its twists and surprising endings. Don’t be surprised if you witness a heart-wrenching death or surprise ending when you watch one. What impresses me is the way anime is written because it evokes such a powerful reaction to its viewers. What’s even more impressive is that several anime are based off of manga or light novels, which means that the writer can convey such emotions through images truly fascinates me.

Although non-anime fans see anime as just ‘Japanese cartoons,’ I would disagree because the beauty you see in anime (and I’m not even taking into consider the characters, but the scenery) is breathtaking. The amount of detail that goes into one episode from the costume design to the backdrop is impressive. 

But the main reason why I’ve appreciated anime since my childhood was the music. Great anime doesn’t just have great art, but an incredible soundtrack. I love getting a copy of the opening theme song for all the anime I’ve watched. Why? Simply because the theme song does the perfect job to embody the heart of the series. 

If you’re looking for something to watch, I truly suggest that you try watching an anime series. You’ll be surprised and perhaps even wonder why you didn’t start watching it earlier. 

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