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Hold On Magazine: Stories of Kindness, part 5

In the spirit of the holidays, I’ve been sharing some touching stories over the past few days on the kindness of strangers. Today is the final few.

Here’s three:

Zana Hamilton, United Kingdom — When I was seven, my family drove to the Grand Canyon where I lost my favourite blanket. Moping, I found a bench to eat a sandwich when a biker gang suddenly pulled up. One of the bikers approached us and asked my mom if that was our blue Ford. She nodded, then pulled out my blanket from his jacket pocket and handed it to her. I was so happy that I repaid him the only way I knew how: I ran up to him and offered him my sandwich.

Donna Kachnowski, Connecticut — A fire destroyed a family’s home, including the belongings of a 6-year-old boy. A classmate from his school who had a birthday coming up asked her parents if she could give all her gifts to the boy. That act of kindness will forever warm my heart because the boy is my grandson.

Manuj Singhal, Kansas — During COVID, there were orphans whose birthdays weren’t being celebrated. At this time, my wife collected birthday boxes, gifts, and birthday crowns and started calling various organizations to ask if they could accept them. She was able to connect with Kids TLC and she drove there to donate. She felt so happy doing something for them that she almost cried when she returned.

Remember that sometimes a small act of kindness can change someone’s life. Kindness is a beautiful thing to share. Pass it on.

Want to read other inspirational stories? Check out my digital magazine, ‘Hold On,’ to read more by signing up here.

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