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Hold On Magazine: Stories of Kindness, part 4

In the spirit of the holidays, I will share some touching stories over the next few days on the kindness of strangers. 

Here’s two:

Marilyn Attebery, Washington — I was driving home in a blizzard when I noticed a vehicle tail me. Suddenly, my tire blew and I pulled off the road. So did the other car. A man jumped out from behind the wheel and without hesitation changed the flat. After my car was fixed, he admitted, “I was going to get off 2 miles back, but I thought your tire didn’t look good.”

Sheela Mayes, Louisiana — Children were playing at IKEA when my 5-year-old granddaughter motioned for a small boy to stop. She knelt down before him and retied his shoelaces. No words were spoken, but after she finished, both smiled shyly and raced off in different directions.

Want to read other inspirational stories? Check out my digital magazine, ‘Hold On,’ to read more by signing up here.

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