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Hold On Magazine: Stories of Kindness, part 3

In the spirit of the holidays, I will share some touching stories over the next few days on the kindness of strangers.

Here’s two:

Mohammed Basha, Florida — I was leaving the hospital after giving a patient the dire news about his cancer diagnosis. Just then, I noticed an elderly gentleman handing tools to someone working on his car. That someone was my patient. When I asked him what he was doing, he responded, “My cancer didn’t tell me not to help others, Doc.” Take-home message: kindness has no limits or restrictions.

Jerilynn Collette, Minnesota — When my husband passed away unexpectedly, a coworker took me under her wing. Every week for an entire year, she would send me a card saying, “Just thinking of you” or “Hang in there.” She saved my life.

Want to read other inspirational stories? Check out my digital magazine, ‘Hold On,’ to read more by signing up here.

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