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Hold On Magazine: Stories of Kindness, part 1

In the spirit of the holidays, I will share some touching stories over the next few days on the kindness of strangers. 

Here’s two:

Miranda MacLean, Michigan — My neighbour had trouble deciding if he was ready for retirement until one day he ran into a young man he’d used to work with who was struggling to make ends meet. The next morning, Jim submitted his letter of resignation, along with a name of the young man for his replacement. That man has been employed ever since.

Jamie Boleyn, Idaho — While going through divorce, my mother fretted about paying bills and affording groceries. Soon after, she started finding boxes of food outside our door every morning. This happened for months until she was able to find a job. We never did find out who it was, but it truly saved our lives.

Want to read other inspirational stories? Check out my digital magazine, ‘Hold On,’ to read more by signing up here.

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