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Random acts of kindness during the holidays

Stories of random acts of kindness tend to be reported during the holidays more often than any other time of the year. But why?

When it comes to the holidays, we often have family in mind and that’s exactly what makes our hearts warm. The thought of spending time with loved ones, relaxing, and having a good time naturally puts us in a good mood and more willing to do kind gestures. Even at work, many offices have ‘Secret Santa’ or donate to food drives or charities. Many people are more willing to donate in the spirit of the holidays and gift people they know to show that they care. 

Think back to your previous Decembers and start counting all the times you’ve helped someone, donated, or did a kind gesture. I’m sure you’ll come up with a few incidences. So, for this holiday season, keep paying it forward. Share your kindness and bring warmth to the hearts of those around you. 

Later this month, I’ll be sharing some stories I found on the web from people who shared about some random acts of kindness from strangers. 

Read more stories on random acts of kindness

Check out the December edition of ‘Hold On‘ to read more behind the scene updates on my novel ‘Hold on please, Emily.’ If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet, you can get access to read my digital magazine here

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