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December 2021 edition of ‘Hold On’: Final edition

Happy Holidays! Thank you for following me this year on this monthly journey of sharing inspirational stories through this digital magazine.

Today marks my eighth, but also final edition of ‘Hold On.’ After connecting with my most avid readers, I’ve decided to divert my writing energy to progress further in some future publications. Wouldn’t it be neat if content in ‘Hold On‘ one day became a book? This is my new dream for ‘Hold On‘ and the direction I’ve decided to take. More on this in my monthly update section.

There is so much to celebrate in 2021 and much more to look forward to in 2022. In this edition, I went searching for stories about kindness in the spirit of the holiday season. I also share my top 10s list and hand out some elusive awards to the best releases from this year. To close out this final edition, I also break down my year-end review, including lessons I’ve learned since my journey began many months ago.


Final thoughts

Excited to read this edition of ‘Hold On‘? Subscribe to my newsletter to get your copy. If you’re already subscribed to my newsletter, make sure to check your inbox for the December 2021 edition today!

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