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The artist in me

I’ve always enjoyed art. Whether it was drawing, doodling, or designing, anything creative was something I loved to do. It all started out in Kindergarten when my random painting sessions in class were noticed by my teacher. She shared some of my artwork with the school’s principal and he asked me to draw a picture to hang in the hallway by the main office. That was a huge thing as a kindergartener. I painted a picture of my best friend, Rebecca, and some animals at the park. That painting was framed and hung in the hallways of my elementary school for all 9 years that I was at the school. The day I graduated, I gifted that painting to my best friend. I wonder if she still has it today. 

Nowadays, I don’t do much painting, but I like doodling with a Sharpie and designing images on the computer. These hobbies help me stay creative and keep the imaginative juices flowing that make me the artistic me that I am today.

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