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Just Ask Doris: October Q&A (Final Session)

Today is the final ‘Just Ask Doris‘ event on Instagram. I want to thank everyone who participated in this event online. As always, I enjoyed hearing from everyone and it made me really happy to have an opportunity to engage with my audience. Perhaps one day in the future the event will return. Below I answer a few questions that I received. 

Q: What’s your favourite colour?

A: My favourite colour is blue, but not just any blue. It’s Toronto Maple Leafs blue. Love that shade. 

Q: What will you dress up as for Halloween this year?

A: Not until I became a parent, I started to dress up for Halloween. One year I was Wonder Woman, another year I was Minnie Mouse. I’m leaning towards Chewbacca this year.  

Q: How did you connect with Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada?

A: When researching for ‘Hold on please, Emily,’ I discovered that BTFC is the only non-profit foundation supporting the patients and their families in Canada. I reached out to them for some information on brain tumours and after connected again on social media when I started my book promotion campaign. 

Read the remaining Q&A from today's session in the upcoming edition of 'Hold On'

Check out the October edition of ‘Hold On‘ to read Q&A from last month’s event. If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet to receive access to my digital magazine, make sure to sign up today here

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