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An official review for my book, ‘Hold on please, Emily,’ is now posted on the OnlineBookClub website. It received a rating of 4 out of 4 stars. Don’t forget to submit your vote for 2021 Book of the Year. My book is eligible for this competition. Vote today.

You can read the official review here or below:

Hold on please, Emily by Doris Siu pivoted me into a journey of self-discovery! I laughed, I cried, I smiled, I frowned.

Emily is young and talented, but due to losing both her parents in a car crash at the tender age of fourteen, she has become reclusive. She throws herself into her studies and aims to excel in her music by gaining access to the most exclusive music school. Her standards for herself are high. She refuses to be distracted, even when the handsome young Max abruptly enters her life. After the essential meet-cute, Emily and Max become quick friends over a shared love for music and coffee, but Emily’s plans for her future are interrupted when she is diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor.

When I initially chose the book for review, I was expecting a coming-of-age young adult novel, but I was pleasantly surprised at the immense growth the characters portrayed. Facing challenges like loss, isolation, love, and mortality at such a young age can be a daunting task. Essentially the support of her loved ones and her love for music is what gave her the strength to push forward at times when most people would have given up.

The supporting characters in this book play a massive role in how Emily deals with all the tragic events that befall her, and I have to remove my hat at how understated, yet boldly they are written into her story.

My emotions took a supreme rollercoaster ride throughout. I found myself craving a cup of coffee and listening to the inspired and moving supporting soundtrack even when I wasn’t reading the book. The author’s motivation behind the book, music, and website brought tears to my eyes.

I rarely choose to copy text from a novel that I have reviewed, but a passage that I found poignant could not go unmentioned: “My baldness may have encapsulated cancer’s realities of life and death, but it also promoted strength, empowerment, and beauty for anyone battling cancer. It was part of me.” It simply reminded me of the strong people in my own life that have battled cancer. Some won. Some lost. It is not easy to watch someone try to fight this disease, and after reading this novel, I feel that I have a better understanding of what they may have experienced while doing so.

Because the book does not contain any profanity or scenes of a sexual nature, I feel that I can safely recommend this book to all ages. It is a severely emotional story, so I would not recommend it to someone looking for a light read. If you are looking for something to pull at your heartstrings or give you a better understanding of what someone facing a possible terminal illness might experience, then this book along with its majestic soundtrack will be an excellent choice for you.

I only came across a handful of errors, leading me to believe that this book was professionally edited before publication. There was nothing I disliked about this novel. I am tremendously delighted to score this book 4 out of 4 stars and hope to read more work from this author soon.

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