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Nothing takes you back like a bowl of cereal

A classic childhood morning memory was waking up to a bowl of Cheerios or Frosted Flakes. As a child, you couldn’t escape breakfast cereal. And frankly, why would you want to? Cereal was a staple breakfast food across the globe, just like the sandwich bag lunches and milk cartons.

From marshmallow-filled favourites to the bizarre ‘healthy’ stuff your parents would eat, cereal was milk’s favourite companion, and this was the thing that defined our childhoods. Nowadays, many parents have pushed for healthier breakfast options like oatmeal or multigrain toast with scrambled eggs. Though, taking a nostalgic breakfast flashback down the cereal aisle, I couldn’t help but reminisce when Kromatix_ and Andy Quan collaborated to release a fun groovy track back in April 2021 and called ‘Fruit-Loops.’

Do you remember a time when you woke up every moment to a bowl of cereal and milk? Were you a Cheerios or Froot Loops fan?

Want to find out how kids react when listening to 'Fruit-Loops'?

Check out the August edition of ‘Hold On‘ to read more about the song ‘Fruit-Loops.’ If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet, you can get access to read my digital magazine here. Also, check out Solomon Alber’s jazzy rendition of this song here.

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