Today is the ‘Just Ask Doris‘ event on Instagram. Below I answer a few questions that I received.
Miss the event? Make sure to mark your calendars so you’ll be ready to submit your questions for the next event on September 13th.
Q: When did you know your passion was writing?
A: It’s sometimes hard to figure out your passion. We may love a lot of things, but would we sacrifice something for it? I’ve always enjoyed writing at a young age but did not realize that my passion was writing until I started writing my book, ‘Hold on please, Emily.’ While writing my book, I experienced this euphoric sense of freedom to be creative on paper. When I wasn’t writing, I was always thinking about writing and when I should be sleeping, I was always writing. If you find something that makes you feel this way, then you’ve found your passion.
Q: Do you binge-watch on Netflix?
A: Although my parenting and work responsibilities take up much of my time, it’s hard to decline an offer to watch a Netflix series with the family. Usually over the weekend, we will enjoy dinner and Netflix to relax. And admittedly, if we decide on a TV-series over a movie, we may find ourselves watching several episodes all at once before calling it a night. I’ve gotten into K-drama this year and if the show is really good, we’ll end up watching during lunch and dinner for several days in a row just to finish it ASAP. When it comes to really good TV-series, we have a tendency to become quite impatient. It’s hard to wait a whole week to find out what happens next. I’m the same when it comes to a really good book. I have to read through it really quickly so I can find out how the story ends.
Q: So, I heard you’re a huge hockey fan. What team do you cheer for and have you ever played for a team?
A: Yes, I am a huge Toronto Maple Leafs hockey fan. Although I love ice hockey, I never played for an ice hockey team before. My skating is subpar, so I usually played road hockey or floor hockey instead. There wasn’t any professional road hockey or floor hockey teams growing up, so whenever I did play the sport, it was just me along with a group of 5 guys. We would play 3-on-3 and I liked playing at centre position since I was pretty good at face-offs.
Read more Q&A in the upcoming edition of 'Hold On'
Check out the next edition of ‘Hold On‘ in September to read more Q&A from this event. If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet to receive access to my digital magazine, make sure to sign up today here.