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The author life

Can you sum up your daily life in 2 photos?

Being an author is tough, but so is any other profession. Kudos to anyone who’ve figured out how to not feel exhausted after a full day of work.

My biggest struggle is balancing family with work & passion. I don’t want to sacrifice too much family time to pursue my passion, and work is work, so my current solution is spending the time when everyone else is sleeping to pursue my dreams.

I test myself daily to see how late into the evenings (mornings) I can work to get writing done. This month, I admit, I started to doubt my abilities to keep this up. It’s been 2-years of living this tiring lifestyle. However, after attending SPS’s Full-time Author Challenge this week, I’ve realized if this dream is important to me, then I need to go in with the attitude of doing whatever it takes to achieve it.

I only hope that I’m heading in the right direction.

To check out more memes, take a look at my Instagram wall or sign up for my newsletter to read some in my digital magazine here

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