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Just Ask Doris: July Q&A

Today marked the very first ‘Just Ask Doris‘ event on Instagram. Below I answer a few questions that I received. 

Miss the event? Make sure to mark your calendars so you’ll be ready to submit your questions for the next event on August 13th. 

Q: What made you decide to switch over from editor to author?

A: I’m still a professional editor, but after several life-changing moments over the past few years, I spent time self-reflecting on where I was in life. I realized that it was time to start focusing on my own personal development and to start pursuing some of my dreams—writing a book being one of them. Being an editor has helped me appreciate quality writing, story/character development, and flow. For the first time in May, I finally experienced the feelings my clients tell me about when they publish. It was really awesome!

Q: What is your favourite superhero?

A: I love superheroes, but my all-time favourite is still Batman. My sister and I used to read Batman comic books and I watched all the Batman movies too. I’ve always been a Batman fan because I think it’s really neat that a superhero doesn’t have superhuman strength or supernatural abilities, but can still fight crime using his intelligence and innovativeness. Flash Gordon, Wonder Woman, Thor, and Aquaman are my top five. 

Q: Who is your favourite author?

A: I’m a huge John Green fan and read many of his books, including my ultimate favourite ‘The Fault in our Stars‘ and ‘Paper Towns.’ His books heavily influenced my writing style; John Green is my writing idol.

Read more Q&A in the upcoming edition of 'Hold On'

Check out the next edition of ‘Hold On‘ in August to read more Q&A from this event. If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet to receive access to my digital magazine, make sure to sign up today here

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