Carol Wyllie, a two-time cancer survivor from Valley Springs, CA, reveals the truth about her breast cancer journey with the release of her debut novel, ‘Chemo P!ssed Me Off.’ This novel ranked #1 Amazon New Release and #1 Bestseller in multiple categories. That feat is no surprise as many readers praised Carol’s candor to expose all the glory details that a cancer diagnosis entails.
Carol has been writing all her life – everything from make-believe scripts as an adolescent, poems as a teenager, and short stories in college. For many years, Carol dreamed of writing an epic novel, and after two bouts with breast cancer, ‘Chemo P!ssed Me Off’ was born. Although this memoir may not have been the book she planned to write long ago, it was a story that she needed to tell.
Final thoughts
For all those Carol Wyllie fans out there, make sure to follow her on Instagram to get the latest updates. Also stay tuned for her release of the audiobook edition of ‘Chemo P!ssed Me Off’ later this month.
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