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Kromatix_ drops ‘Your High is Overrated’

Today is Brain Tumour Walk day and I thought it was quite fitting that co-captain of Team #HoldOnPleaseEmily (Kromatix_) dropped a single.

Kromatix_’s latest song called ‘Your High is Overrated tells a story of the struggles of heartbreak or drug addiction. Matthew will be releasing his music video in the coming days and apparently there’s a link to his first single, ‘Show U Off.’ I’m quite excited to see what he comes up with. Excellent work Kromatix_! Your voice is so amazing! Loving this RnB feel and the lyrics are very powerful.

Make sure to check out ‘Your High is Overrated‘ on Spotify today. I will definitely be blasting this tune when I head out on my walk route later today.

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