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One-week before Brain Tumour Walk

On June 27th, I will be participating in Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada (BTFC) virtual Brain Tumour Walk to help end brain tumours. I’m really excited since we are only a week away. This year, I am Team Captain of Team #HoldOnPleaseEmily, along with Kromatix_ (Matthew Isaacs). I’m so happy to create a team of supporters who support our cause and can’t say enough about all the wonderful things Matthew has done to help with the event.

In support of the event, I will be making a donation to BTFC on walk day and joining everyone to raise awareness for brain tumours. Also, I donated a copy of my paperback edition of ‘Hold on please, Emily‘ today for their silent auction. I’m even now an official sponsor for their event. 

Check out BTFC’s Online Silent Auction and place your bid today. The highest bidder will win an autographed copy of my novel, and best part is all proceeds go to BTFC. I will personalize my message for the winner too! Think about it: you get a cool souvenir while helping a great cause. How awesome is that! 

Remember that bidding closes on June 27th at midnight, so get your bid in today. Can’t wait to find out who wins my listing.

Want to find out more from Walk Day 2021?

Check out the July edition of ‘Hold On‘ to read more about the Brain Tumour Walk. I will be writing an article about my Walk Day events and update everyone on members of our team. If you haven’t signed up for my newsletter yet, you can get access to read my digital magazine here. Also, on Walk Day, don’t forget to check out my Instagram wall where I will post photos from the event using the sponsored hashtag #BrainTumourWalk to help donate to BTFC.

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