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World Brain Tumour Day

Today is World Brain Tumour Awareness Day. Annually on June 8th, the world pays tribute to all brain tumour patients and their families. This started in 2000 by the “Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V.” (German Brain Tumour Association) who created this international commemoration day.

In Canada, 27 Canadians are diagnosed with a brain tumour daily. Worldwide, more than 500 new cases are diagnosed every day. It is important to raise public awareness, and to educate people about brain tumours.

Everyone at Team #HoldOnPleaseEmily stands with the brain tumour community. Our mission is to inspire hope because we believe that together, we can #EndBrainTumours. Feel free to reach out to me anytime to share your story. I’m always ready to listen.

How can you show your support?

Let’s bring HOPE to the brain tumour community today by:

  • Getting a copy of my novel Hold on please, Emily,’ which tells an inspirational story about a brain tumour patient. A portion of my book proceeds even goes to Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada (BTFC), so this is all for a great cause.
  • Adding our inspirational music from the accompanying novel soundtrack ‘Songs of Hope’ to your playlist.
  • Become a member of Team #HoldOnPleaseEmily by tagging your inspirational photos with #HoldOnPleaseEmily. Also tag with #WorldBrainTumourDay if you have something to share today.
  • Donate to my new campaign fundraiser page where all proceeds go to BTFC. By making a donation, you are supporting hundreds of brain tumour patients across the world.

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