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The book publishing process: Self-publishing 101

Self-publishing is tough, especially if you’ve never done it before. Wouldn’t it be easier if someone told you the exact steps to reach the finish line? How did I publish a bestselling novel like ‘Hold on please, Emily’? Let’s break down the book publishing process in this blog post so you can do it too!

Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Publishing

Below is a step-by-step guide to transforming your idea to a published book. To learn more details about each step, contact Doris to set up a coaching call today. 

Step 1: Get an idea and write your story
  • You need an idea first before you can create a book, so brainstorm and iron out your story first. Once you’ve created a mindmap, start writing.
Step 2: Prepare your book for publication
  • Once you finished writing, the next step is to self-edit your book. Read your book from beginning to end. Check if there’s gaps in your story or ideas that haven’t been fully developed, and see if you can catch any typos or grammatical errors. 
  • Purchase ISBN, prepare a copyright page, finalize your book title, and decide if you’ll like to publish with your real name or pseudonym.
  • Hire a professional editor to review your manuscript. When you receive the feedback, review and apply the revisions you agree with. If you’re looking for an editor and would like to see if I’m the right fit for you, email me here
  • While you’re waiting for the editor, decide on a book size and where you plan on publishing your book. Find a cover designer and tell them those details. Get a front cover and back cover designed if you want to publish a printed edition. If you only plan on publishing an e-book edition, then you only require a front cover. 
  • Hire a proofreader to give your manuscript one more look. If you already had your book edited, but would like another pair of eyes to review your work, contact me for more details.
  • Once your manuscript is final, submit it to a formatter. The formatter will help with interior design of your book’s layout and finalize the look and feel of your book.
  • When you receive the files from your formatter, consider uploading it earlier to get a proof copy before your public launch date. This would help you check if your editions are ready for public eyes.
Step 3: Marketing and Promotion
  • While you’re waiting for the formatter, plan your marketing and promotion strategy. Things to consider: reader magnets, 3D mockups, book trailers, set up your personal website and social media accounts, and design posters or advertisements for your launch. To learn more about these services that I offer, send me an email or check out my services page on my website.
  • Decide on where you plan to self-publish your book. Most self-published authors use Amazon KDP and IngramSpark because they offer print-on-demand services and no fees (or low fees) to post a book. Print-on-demand means that your book will only be published when someone orders it through a retailer. Familiarize yourself with the publishing platform you plan to use. Learn about keywords and categories and do your research on similar books in your genre to get a better idea of list prices.
  • Once your book is listed, you want to start your marketing and promotion plans to sell your book. Most authors would offer a discounted book for the beginning of their launch (promotion), ask for reviews (to help with marketing), and arrange for book signing events or schedule interviews (to encourage distribution).

If you’re an author and looking for more tips on how to publish and market your book, contact me today for more details.

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