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Book Review: Stargirl

Stargirl‘ was a popular book for kids, but I honestly never read it until my later years when I saw that they were making a Disney movie based on the book.

You see, when it comes to adding books onto my to-read list, I often select books that became movies because I have a fascination to see how similar (and different) the movie is to the original book.

‘Stargirl’ is a modern classic that celebrates individuality. Unlike everyone else at Mica High, Stargirl is a burst of colour and sound. She is the one who sparks the school-spirit revolution with just one cheer and seen as the school’s good luck charm in their attempt to bring home their first football championship. Suddenly, events take a drastic turn and Stargirl is shunned for everything that makes her different. Even her boyfriend, Leo, begins to question why she has to be different and urges her to be normal like everyone else. This book is a celebration of individuality and weaves a tense, emotional tale about the pitfalls and challenges of standing out from a crowd. I would definitely recommend this book and am interested to watch the movie in the near future.

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