In the technological era we live in, our children will be the next tech experts. I’m sure many parents are getting lessons on social media, smartphones, and computers from their own children. But why?
Because technology is all around us and has become a part of our daily lives. Rarely is there a household that doesn’t own at least one smart device. Also, many families have both parents working so oftentimes, parents resort to letting their children enjoy screen time so they can quietly work with them being occupied. You’ll notice that the television does a better job grabbing your child’s attention than your own voice.
Although this may be a bit worrisome, it’s not all that bad. Since children are introduced to technology at a younger age now, it only makes sense that they are becoming the experts. After all, youth retain information better than adults and they have more opportunities to apply them to real-life situations, which helps these skills become habits.
If you ever get stuck on something technical, I suggest you ask your kids first before getting help from an outside source. You’ll be surprised with how much they actually know.