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Why spend your time and money on reader magnets?

As a reader, wouldn’t you love it if your purchase came with a bonus? As an author, wouldn’t you like to expand the experience of your readers? 

By adding a reader magnet to your book, you will instantly increase engagement. Whether it’s an accompanying workbook to your business guide, a poster to your children’s book, a checklist to your self-help book, or a digital photo album to your memoir, reader magnets are the key to long-term success.

Consider this: as an indie author, you are starting with zero followers. Your readers are purchasing your book on third-party retailers like Amazon, but you have no way of connecting with them to engage unless the reader took the initiative to follow you on social media. So, how are you going to build your audience and create a mailing list full of fans that actually read your book or like your work?

The simple answer: reader magnet!

Advertising in your book that you have a free reader magnet available for download on your personal website grants you the opportunity to get their contact information. This marketing strategy is disguised as a ‘Free Thank You Gift’ in most self-published books with a page dedicated to it near the beginning of your book. Some authors openly advertise the reader magnet on their personal website too in an attempt to entice people who stumble across your website (but haven’t purchased your book) to sign up for your mailing list too. 

But fear not, this is not an evil ploy. It’s just smart marketing. That’s because it’s a win-win for both parties. You get their contact information to build your mailing list. Your reader gets a freebie and if they purchased your book, it will supplement their experience. It’s the perfect combination!

So, if you’re interested in creating a reader magnet for your book and would like some help, check out my services page on my website or contact me for more details. 

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