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#EditingWeek: Can editing be affordable?

Editing is an important step in self-publishing, but many authors decide to skip this step to save. Unfortunately, although you will be saving money by not hiring an editor or proofreader, you will not be saving yourself from potentially publishing a book full of errors that could negatively affect how the public views your work.

But, editing just isn't in my budget

No one is perfect, and having an editor to provide you with an unbiased opinion on your work will greatly improve the overall quality. Remember that your book represents you. After all, it has your name on it! So, making sure someone catches all the missing commas, typos, or extra spaces between periods could save you from publishing something full of minor (but distracting) errors. 

Especially for Indie authors, publishing a quality book is a great first impression and sets the tone for your future work if you decide to continue writing. This is exactly why getting your book professionally edited for first-time authors is extremely important. With zero followers, you want to build a following by showing your quality work. This will help you keep those followers from wanting to read your future products. When you publish quality, you also will have better reviews. Rather than readers commenting on issues in your book, they will praise the contents instead.

Even if you cannot budget for developmental, content, or copy editing, many would suggest hiring a proofreader to review your work. Proofreaders and editors are professionals in their field and are highly skilled in catching even the smallest errors that may stick out like a sore thumb for readers. Quality is crucial in literature, so getting a professional editor to review your work helps you reach the high quality that you deserve.

Understandably, editing charges at a per word rate, so editing your book can be quite expensive if it’s a hefty 100k-word novel. However, books are usually around 25k to 50k-words, and if you follow the tips below, it may help you save some money.

Tips to save on your editing quote

If budget is a deciding factor, go with proofreading instead since proofreading is charged at a lower rate per word. Also, some writers only submit portions of their book rather than the whole book. When you write your book, you’ll know which parts of your book aren’t as strong and would benefit from someone else’s constructive criticism. Although we wish that our entire book is perfect, you will know where your book needs some work even before letting someone else see it.

If you are publishing a workbook, only submit the sections that explain concepts and not the sections your readers need to fill out. This would reduce the word count.

Consider removing the table of contents, index, glossary, and references from your book to reduce the word count unless you need your editor to look over them as well.

Are my rates really affordable?

I offer low rates compared to other editors in the market, but the quality you receive is comparable or even better. Of course, the biggest limiting factor for any author is time. Working in the publishing industry and being an author myself, I understand the importance of keeping on schedule to stick with your expected launch date. 

Many authors would delay their book launch because they haven’t received edits from their editor yet, OR the formatter is taking too long to create the final product. I work efficiently and treat every client I work with as a specialized case by understanding their needs and ensuring I do my best to match them. If you require expedited services due to your tight timeline, I can make it happen. I’ve worked for a publishing company that required editors to return revisions within 24-hours on 25-k word books, so I am comfortable performing well and delivering in these situations. Typically, I can return your manuscript with revisions in less than 1-week time, however, this is dependent on the number of clients I am currently managing. Therefore, it’s important you inform me about your expected book launch date so I can take that into consideration when working on your project.

I am an editor for Cutting Edge Studio and my rates are based on their pricing system, offering one of the lowest rates available for authors. Also, to give back to other self-published authors, I offer an additional discount on my services if you are a student of SPS.

Cutting Edge Studio prides itself on delivering quality service at affordable prices. Apart from editing, they also offer other author services like book covers, book descriptions, and book marketing.

Joris and Marijke founded this company; it is one of the top author’s services companies around the globe because they specialize in helping Indie authors and have some of the most professional and efficient editors working on their team. The editors at Cutting Edge Studio focus on building a strong collaboration with authors, providing detailed feedback, timely revisions, and professional services. 

If you sign up for any editing service with me through my personal website, you will be referred to Cutting Edge Studio afterward if you require additional author services for your self-publishing journey.

My rates aren’t going to cost you an arm and a leg, so you’ll be delighted with the quality you’re getting for the price you pay. Proofreading is charged at less than a cent a word and editing starts at 1.69 cents per word. Rates are listed in USD and packages are available. Contact Doris today to receive a quote for your manuscript.

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