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Book of the Day has named by book, Wise Up, Stand Up, Book of the Day. You can visit profile here to read my exclusive author’s interview.

Here’s a preview of the interview below:

We all know the writer’s path is never easy, what makes you keep going? What advice would you give to new authors?
I’ve connected with several like-minded creatives throughout my writing career and I honestly feel that these individuals are the ones who give me motivation. When I see them creating things and enjoying what they love, it makes me want to keep going too. The best part about connecting with like-minded individuals is that we can relate to each other’s struggles and genuinely be supportive of each other. So, I advise all writers to find a group of creatives they can connect to often. They will keep you sane, cry with you, celebrate with you, and give you motivation whenever you cannot find it within yourself.

If you could go back in time and talk to your younger self, what would you say?
I would tell my younger self to not be afraid to listen to your inner voice. As a child, I was naturally drawn to the arts and many teachers would commend my creativity. I played several instruments, sketched, and wrote stories. However, I only saw these activities as hobbies, and not something I could pursue as a career. If I was true to myself from the beginning, I wouldn’t have been so easily swayed to study in the sciences. I took a long detour to get to where I am today, but I’m quite happy with the path I’ve now found in my life. So, if you have something you truly love, keep doing it! I believe you can turn anything into a career if you work hard and look for opportunities.


Don’t forget to grab your copy of ‘Wise Up, Stand Up‘ today and try out an enhanced reading experience by listening to the accompanying album, ‘Sonder,’ while reading my book.

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