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Meet Dcthebeatmaker

Sonder - Track 07 - Veracity

Demetrius Cabrera, or DC for short, is known professionally
as Dcthebeatmaker. DC is a music producer from Morgan Hill,
California, and started his music career when he received a keyboard from a family friend and instantly connected to it. DC’s music blends styles from rock, blues, hip hop, gospel, and jazz. If he were to classify his sound into one category, he would encompass it under the subgenre of alternative hip hop.


Since debuting in 2020, DC hit a record total of over 350k streams in 2-years, a truly impressive feat that reflects his natural talent. His first album, Genesis, in 2020, was a career milestone. DC also hosts the ‘Sunset Sessions’ twice a month on Twitch to share music to his community.


I discovered DC’s discography through Low Key Trampoline
and was drawn to his collab with FoePound ProductionDodging Neo” and his single “Good Morning.” What makes DC’s music so beautiful and catchy are his piano riffs.


For the Sonder project, I decided to match DC with the
theme of ‘Truth & Justice’ because I felt that DC’s repertoire of songs were powerful and conveyed complex emotions. When we discussed his assigned theme, DC admitted that he is someone who wants what’s right but also has done wrong against others.

Veracity,” which means habitual truthfulness, is the name of his track in Sonder. For this track, DC interpreted the word ‘justice’ as something powerful and captured that by using several orchestral instruments throughout his song.


DC hopes to have a traveling recording studio, so he can go on tour and become a full-time musician and producer. Currently, DC is a Behaviour Therapist by day and a producer by night. 


Follow Dcthebeatmaker on InstagramSpotifyYouTube, and Twitch.

Meet All 12 Talented Artists in Sonder

Read about the other musicians involved in Sonder by clicking here. Make sure to follow each of them on their musical journey by listening and sharing their music with everyone. 

Want to Collaborate?

When life is filled with music, we improve our mood and focus, becoming more emotionally connected with ourselves and our voice. Music is a language that everyone understands and it’s everywhere.

Doris’s passion is to harness the beauty of words with music. Books don’t typically come with soundtracks, but hers does! Doris’s author platform merges literature and music through the release of songs that accompanies her books. This is exactly what makes her work unique and why you got to jump on board.

Contact Doris today to find out which of her writing projects needs some music. She would love the opportunity to collaborate with you.