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I don’t get diets

Dieting. I don’t really understand the concept. Now I’m not saying to eat whenever you want and whatever you want. That’s not really ideal either. But, I also don’t believe that applying a diet plan that explicitly tells you how many calories you’re intaking is going to make you lose weight (and keep it off). Obviously, if we really were overweight, a change in the amount or what you eat is going to change your numbers on the scale. 

Plus, I don’t like to use the word dieting because it takes the joy out of eating. I see eating as an activity where we can indulge our senses and relax with great conversations. But dieting has so many negative connotations. It does have the word ‘die’ in it.

Although not scientifically proven, I feel that if you eat less of the unhealthy foods and eat smaller meals (so smaller portions), then you will feel healthier, even if you’re eating more often. It gives your body time to digest the food and by reducing the snacks and sweets, then your body won’t have extra glucose in your body to burn. You will feel less lethargic and less hungry because you’re spreading out the food. Since I’ve been home during COVID, I find that I snack more. So yes, I added a few pounds under my belt. Changing what you eat is going to change how you look and feel. You don’t necessarily have to follow a diet plan, but make a mental note in thinking carefully about what goes inside your body rather than just stuffing your face with whatever you can find. And just a word of advice. Fruits actually have a lot of sugar (natural sugars), so if you think it’s healthy to just eat fruits and vegetables, think again. The amount you eat also matters too. If you eat too much fruit, then you’re bound to have the same sugar effect as eating a package of candy. Changing what you eat isn’t creating a dieting plan, it’s just you giving yourself some self-love by thinking before you eat.

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